30-60-90 Days with Bheeni Kapur

Note from editor (Victoria)-

This blog post is part of a project that we are starting here at Freemind Seattle, to document our new hires (and us as a team overall) experiences, growth and continual development over the course of 30, 60 and 90 days. In 2020, Freemind Seattle began to expand. -Before the pandemic, we had 4 full time employees, now- we are approaching 20! We treasure the learning opportunities we’ve been granted because we worked hard to build the best team to allow us to do both what we love and what we’re good at. Because a company isn’t successful based on its income and profit margin (well- yes…but that isn’t everything) - a successful company is one who doesn’t cannibalize its workers for the bottom line. A successful company gives their employees everything they need and ask for to be successful, and then offer more. A successful company is a team that comes together to admit what they don’t know and reaches out to find those who can teach all of us.

We’ve asked our team to think about what they expected with their role, what was a surprise, anything that stuck out to them, and they want to share. There will be updates on this post for 60 and 90 days, possibly beyond. We invite you to follow along.

Bheeni Kapur: 30 days at Freemind Seattle- July, 2022

Whether you are an intern or a CEO, there is that one day when anxiety gets the better of you and the butterflies in your stomach start having a party. IT’S THE FIRST DAY OF A NEW JOB. Now, the 22-year-old naïve me had assumed this to be a one-time phenomenon, but of course, it continued. And when I recently joined Freemind Seattle, it came back in all its flurry. Not only was I joining a new organization, but I was also working for the first time in a new country. As I drove to office, already a bag of nerves… (my first time driving alone on the freeway… GULP, GULP, GULP!) all kind of questions engulfed my mind; What if I don’t understand their accent or lingos…. or worse… what if they don’t understand mine? Will I get their jokes and laugh on cue?

But you know what’s the best stress buster? A room of smiling individuals!

Like any new hire, I was worried how my colleagues would perceive me; are they watching my every move?  But at Freemind Seattle, I felt the warmth and was welcomed from the minute I stepped through the doors. Yes, I was an outsider, but during the course of the day, the weeks and month, I felt more and more appreciated, motivated, and heard, until I didn’t feel like an outsider at all.

I think we underestimate how the people we work with impact our lives. When we say someone has an amazing job, we perhaps refer to their position, salary or role, however the people we spend most of the hours in a day with probably affect our lives the most. And that’s what 30 days at Freemind Seattle has done for me. I am encouraged to do better and am inspired by the high bar my colleagues have set. Yes, the learning experience will continue but I feel I have arrived.

 Coming soon- 60 days, 90 days, and beyond

Bheeni was born and raised in the bustling and cosmopolitan city of Delhi in India. She has over 16 years of experience in Event Management, Brand Building and Communication. After spending 12 years growing her portfolio in the luxury industry, Bheeni decided to move continents and restart her corporate journey in Seattle. She loves how events transform into unique experiences and is always looking for new ways to WOW her clients with fresh ideas and one crazy imagination. In her spare time, Bheeni likes to travel the world with her husband (they have seen more than 40 countries together!). In addition, she is a certified Bharatnatyam dancer and is extremely passionate about personal wellbeing and tries to keep up with her marathoner husband.